HAMILTON — The Ravalli County Administration Building in Hamilton will be closed to the public until April 10 due to the COVID-19 oubreak.
The departments listed below can be reached by phone or email weekdays from 8 am until 5 pm:
Board of County Commissioners: EMAIL: ctaggart@rc.mt.gov commissioners@rc.mt.gov / PHONE 406-375-6500
Clerk and Recorder’s Office: EMAIL: recorder@rc.mt.gov / PHONE: 406-375-6555
Elections Office: EMAIL: elections@rc.mt.gov / PHONE: 406-375-6550
Environmental Health: EMAIL: RCEH@rc.mt.gov / PHONE: 406-375-6565
Extension Office (MSU Extension): EMAIL: pmangan@rc.mt.gov or katelyna@rc.mt.gov / PHONE: 406-375-6611
Finance Office: EMAIL: Claims jexner@rc.mt.gov kmurphy@rc.mt.gov Payroll vstromberg@rc.mt.gov / PHONE: 406-375-6524
GIS: EMAIL: kmiller@rc.mt.gov PHONE: / 406-375-6626
Human Resources: (NOT AVAILABLE, please contact the Commissioners’ Office) EMAIL: ctaggart@rc.mt.gov / PHONE 406-375-6500
Planning Office: EMAIL: planning@rc.mt.gov / PHONE: 406-375-6530
Treasurer’s Office: (All vehicle registrations and tax payments shall be completed electronically or by mail in only) EMAIL: txdesk@rc.mt.gov / PHONE: 406-375-6585