At least 10 Native American children between the ages of 11 to 17 — were reported missing in Montana in just the last 2 weeks. Experts say they generally see an uptick in missing persons cases during the summer when the weather is warm and school is out of session. A Montana Department of Justice report found that in 2021, more than 80% of the missing Indigenous people were under the age of 18. As of Tuesday morning, August 30, 2022, there were 185 reported missing people in Montana. Of those, 48, or 26% are Indigenous.
Among the missing:
Heleena Bear, 14, was last seen Sunday. She has brown eyes and black hair.
Jayden Eder, 11, was last seen on Aug. 17. The Bureau of Indian Affairs in Fort Peck is investigating their cases. Call 406-768-5565 with information.
Jacelyn Burd, 12, was last seen on Aug. 29.
Elise Flatmouth, 16, was last seen on Aug. 18. Bureau of Indian Affairs on the Crow Reservation is investigating her case. Call 406-638-2631 with information on her whereabouts.
Destiny Irvine-Piedalue, 17, was last seen on Sunday. The Flathead Tribal Police are investigating her case and can be reached at 406-657-4700.
Makayla Longtree, 13, was last heard from on Aug. 18. Roosevelt County Sheriff is investigating her case and can be reached at 406-653-6240.
Mark Milender, 14, was last seen on Tuesday. He has black hair and brown eyes. Yellowstone County Sheriff is investigating his case and can be reached at 406-256-2929.
Selena Neacha, 16, was last seen on Aug. 26 wearing all black clothes. She has brown eyes and black hair. Blackfeet Law Enforcement is investigating her case. Call 406-338-4000 with information.
Jacob Running Crane, 16, was last seen on Aug. 22. He has blond hair and blue eyes. Missoula Police Department is investigating his case and can be reached at 406-552-6300.
Ciara Wallette, 16, was last heard from on Aug. 22. She has brown hair and eyes. Billings Police Department is investigating her case. Call 406-657-8461 with information on her whereabouts.