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MDT Shares 3 Hwy 93 Safety Improvement Concepts

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Robert Peccia and Associates (RPA) Engineering have developed three safety improvement concepts for U.S. Highway 93 between Missoula and Florence. These concepts were presented at open houses on June 25 at the Lolo School. The corridor study, funded through federal and state programs, divides the highway into five sections:

  1. South end of Missoula (Buckhouse Bridge to Hayes Creek Road)

  2. Lolo S-curves (Hayes Creek to Valley Grove Drive)

  3. Lolo area (Valley Grove Drive to Delarka Drive South)

  4. Highway 93 between Lolo and Florence (Delarka Drive South to Chief Looking Glass Road)

  5. Highway 93 entering Florence (Chief Looking Glass Road to Old Highway 93)

Each section faces unique issues such as speed, lighting, weather, turning issues, undivided lanes, and wildlife concerns.

The Three Concepts:

  1. Suburban Design:

  • Targets urban-rural transition areas with elements like sidewalks, curbs, gutters, lighting, and landscaping.

  • Aims to slow down traffic, especially in the edges of Missoula, Lolo, and Florence.

  1. Managed Access Design:

  • Proposes consolidating driveways and maintaining full access at major intersections.

  • Includes median treatments and is applicable to the south end of Missoula, Lolo, Florence, the S-curves, and between Lolo and Florence.

  1. Reduced Conflict Design:

  • Suggests closing minor access points, making them right-in/right-out only.

  • Designates specific locations for left turnarounds.

  • Suitable for the S-curves and between Lolo and Florence.

RPA plans to complete the study by fall 2024 and will then make specific recommendations to MDT. Implementation of these changes will depend on MDT securing the necessary funding.

For further details, you can visit the MDT project webpage.

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