Urgent! DONATIONS are needed for Missoula’s elderly, immune-compromised, and out-of-work families and individuals.

An all-volunteer grassroots group, the Missoula Mutual Aid Organization is coordinating FREE food and supply drop-offs from the Missoula Food Bank and the Non-Food Essentials Warehouse to our neighbors in need. They accept and distribute toiletries, cleaning supplies, baby supplies, first aid materials, paper products, feminine hygiene articles, etc. Your donations are much appreciated! Here’s the list of supplies most urgently needed:
Diapers (especially sizes 4, 5 & 6)
Laundry detergent
Disinfectant wipes & sprays
Shampoo & conditioner
Antibacterial hand soap
Household cleaners
Toilet paper
Hand sanitizer
Cat litter
Baking soda
White vinegar
Dishwasher detergent
[Note: Providing pet supplies allows at-risk folks to keep their pets. Thank you!]